Kuldeep Singh





I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful and easy interactions for the end user.



With rapid change in the IT world, I'm always on the lookout for new tools and ways of doing things.



With amazing quick-learning skills, I learn new technologies fast and mostly on my own.



When it comes to working in a team, I'm a good team player, never hesitating to help others or take help from others.

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Kuldeep Singh.
I bring a wealth of experience in constructing intricate applications using cutting-edge technologies. With over 6 years of expertise spanning software, system architecture, and diverse programming languages, I excel in crafting anything from compact front-end apps to full-stack, highly scalable systems.
Beyond my coding desk, you'll catch me daydreaming about globetrotting, capturing captivating moments for my photography portfolio, and enjoying WWE action.
My profound enthusiasm for coding, continuous tech learning, and my knack for crafting user-friendly, dynamic interfaces drive my passion for software development.


Top Parent

Full-Stack Developer - Contract

December 2023 - Present


It is the ultimate one-stop solution that prepares children for school and life and supports parental engagement. I am working as a full-stack developer, developing Content Management System (CMS) for the top parent mobile app.

  • Developed a CMS for the top parent mobile app using ReactJS for the front end and Node.js for the back end.
  • Implemented serverless architecture by deploying the backend services on AWS Lambda, optimizing scalability and reducing operational costs.
  • Leveraged AWS Route53 and Amplify for deploying and hosting the frontend application, ensuring seamless deployment and continuous integration.
  • Designed and implemented the database architecture using MongoDB, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval for the CMS.
  • Utilized Swagger for API documentation, ensuring clear and comprehensive documentation for backend APIs, facilitating easier integration and maintenance.
  • Developed reusable React components and utilized state management libraries such as Redux toolkit for maintaining application state and RTK Query for data fetching and caching, enhancing code modularity and reusability.
  • Implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the CMS, ensuring data integrity and user privacy.
  • Optimized application performance by identifying and resolving bottlenecks in both frontend and backend components.
  • Stayed updated with the latest technologies and industry trends, continuously improving skills and contributing to the innovation culture of the team.
  • Conducted performance tuning and optimization techniques, such as lazy loading and code splitting, to enhance the overall user experience and reduce load times.
  • Documented deployment processes and procedures, including setup instructions for AWS Lambda functions, Amplify hosting configurations, and MongoDB database setup, facilitating smooth deployment and maintenance.
  • Designed and documented technical specifications and system architecture, to ensure clear understanding and seamless execution throughout the project lifecycle.
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Technologies : ReactJS | NodeJs | MongoDB | Ant Design | CMS | ExpressJs | Redux Toolkit | RTK Query | Postman | Selenium | MongoDb | Python | Swagger | Gitlab | Docker | VS Code


Senior Full-Stack Developer - Contract

January 2023 - Present


It is a gateway to innovative tech solutions, simplifying life with convenience and cutting-edge products. I am working on an e-commerce web development project for their client as a freelance.

  • Designed the e-commerce application’s architecture from scratch, selecting ReactJS for the front end and Spring Boot for the back end to meet performance and scalability requirements.
  • Implemented a modular component-based structure for easy maintenance and scalability.
  • Initiated and set up project management tools like Jira for efficient task tracking, sprint planning, and issue resolution.
  • Engineered robust back-end services and APIs using Spring Boot, delivering features like product catalog management, user authentication, and order processing.
  • Seamlessly integrated Stripe payment gateways, ensuring secure online transactions.
  • Implemented security best practices, including data encryption and secure communication protocols, to protect sensitive user information during online transactions.
  • Tailored features based on user input and analytics, aligning with customer preferences and business goals.
  • Contributed to the project's codebase on GitHub, actively participating in version control and collaboration with other developers.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in using Postman and Selenium for API testing and end-to-end testing, ensuring robust application functionality.
  • Created comprehensive system requirement specification (SRS) documentation, ensuring clear and complete documentation of project details for future reference.
  • Utilized Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA as integrated development environments (IDEs) for coding, debugging, and project management.
  • Conducted thorough code reviews and quality assurance checks to maintain code quality, identify bugs, and optimize performance.
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Technologies : Java | ReactJS | Spring boot Framework | NodeJS | Postman | Selenium | PostgreSQL | Python | SRS Documentation | Github | Docker | Nginx | VS Code | IntelliJ

Nojumi Solutions Inc.

Software Developer

May 2021 - Dec 2022

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

It is a legal tech startup offering technology solutions to law firms across Ontario, Canada. They started their journey by automating administrative processes for the firm to create efficiencies.

  • Designed and developed a job scheduler tool that can parallelly handle multiple requests to execute, schedule, or reschedule tasks.
  • Automate the state machine for the firm that handles all the manual tasks of the staff and reduce staff manual load by 90%.
  • Implemented a content detection tool for email and messages detection
  • Developed and optimize document search service using google drive api
  • Worked on google workspace add-on using google app script and a messaging broker tool rabbitMQ.
  • Documented all supported systems and applications to streamline existing business procedures, effectively training new team members and reducing onboarding time by 37%.
  • Optimized firm's global search functionality which reduces search latency by 35%.
  • Wrote reusable unit test documents to ensure quality control and detect bugs by increasing over 35% efficiency rate.
  • Attend daily standups and weekly Scrum meetings to discuss project roadblocks, status updates, and solutions
  • Designed and linked state machine to closing cost calculator which automate the staff hiring system and reduced manual load by 100%.
  • Worked on utilizing AWS S3 for storing and retrieving data, files, and images in a serverless environment.
  • Reimplemented and enhanced the important Dates logic which ultimately linked to the appointment booking system.
  • Designed and implemented serverless data storage solutions using AWS DynamoDB
  • Conduct code reviews to endure the work delivered by the team is of high quality.
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Technologies : Scala | AngularJs | Play Framework | Javascript | NodeJs | Cassandra | Redis | RabbitMQ | AWS S3 | AWS DynamoDB | ExpressJs | Google Apps Script | PostgreSQL | Java | Python | Docker | Typescript | Nginx | VS Code | Git | Postman | IntelliJ


Software Developer

Jun 2020 - May 2021

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Piknix is an e-commerce marketplace for shopping local groceries online. It allows local merchants to register and sell their products. I am working as a software developer with a team of 4.

  • Designed and developed views/templates on top of javascript, using the ejs templating engine
  • Contributed in all phases of the development lifecycle
  • Web page development from design to test and up to production deployment.
  • Worked on design(database schema) and implementation of various REST API’s using ice factory pattern
  • Created and implemented a custom CSS grid system, with CSS media queries for mobile responsiveness.
  • Created HTML email templates and newsletters for e-mail marketing campaigns.
  • Integrated PayPal payment gateway, google API’s, passport authentication and authorization, i18n localization, send grid email API, Twilio SMS API
  • Worked with Express MVC framework for NodeJS to create the routes required for delivering data to the front end.
  • Created docker image for configuration simplifications
  • Utilized Docker Compose to define and manage multi-container applications, enabling easy networking between containers.
  • Server setup using nginx as a web server and added SSL certificates
  • Building service components and complex business logic
  • Utilized Docker for local development environments, enabling consistent development setups across different machines and simplifying the onboarding of new team members.
  • Used MySQL for database and Sequelize ORM
  • Implemented product catalog management, including product listing, search, sorting, and filtering functionalities.
  • Did on-site SEO implementations to increase traffic to client websites
  • Analyzed traffic and made necessary changes for a better user experience
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Technologies : Javascript | NodeJs | ExpressJs | HTML5 | MySql | Bootstrap 4 | Sequelize | Passport | Nginx | Visual Code | Digital Ocean | Docker | GoDaddy

Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles

Internship - Project Lead Developer | Project Leader

Nov 2019 - Mar 2020

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Lending System Application - This application is designed to be used by the students of CEGEP de la gaspesie to borrow devices from the college. The app will provide a list of devices like laptops, lan cables, etc. Students can filter out the items list on the basis of type of items, newest added, most borrowed items, and ratings by a user or can directly search the item in the search bar and borrow any item from the list.

  • Lead and directed the full-stack development of the entire SDLC from inception to completion in a team of 5 SDEs
  • Designed and implemented RESTful APIs, facilitating seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components of the application.
  • Led requirement gathering efforts, created user stories, and meticulously planned sprints, ensuring efficient task allocation and project progress tracking.
  • Introduced key functionalities such as displaying the product list, advanced product filtering, user-friendly product borrowing, and search capabilities.
  • Integrated cloud-based data storage solutions, utilizing technologies such as AWS RDS (Relational Database Service) for scalability and redundancy.
  • Designed and optimized the database schema using MySQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval while maintaining data integrity.
  • Added admin dashboard to maintain(add/update/delete) the users and products from the inventory.
  • Maintained the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document throughout the project, ensuring alignment with evolving project goals.
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Technologies : Android | JavaSE | Maven | AWS EC2 | Postman | MySql | Firebase | JavaEE | Eclipse | Git | Web calls | AWS RDS mysql db instance.

JDSA Pvt. Ltd

Technical Associate

Feb 2018 - Jul 2018

Gurgaon, India

It is a security company where I worked on a web application for managing the staff schedule and profile.

  • Designed and developed a web application using React.js that reduced employer’s management teamwork by 50%.
  • Implemented authentication and authorization, employers can access their profile, job schedule, and salary status.
  • Designed and maintained relational database schema using PostgreSQL.
  • Created an administrative dashboard that boosted internal operational efficiency by more than 30%.
  • Actively engaged in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, ensuring the smooth operation of the application.
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Technologies : ReactJS | JavaScript | HTML | JSON | NodeJS | Bootstrap | MySql | Express | Agile | Github | npm

ADM Solar Power Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.

Junior Software Developer

Apr 2017 - Dec 2017

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

It is specialize in providing solar panel installation services and during my tenure, I was involved in developing a software application for efficient management of installation records and client data.

  • Designed and developed a web application and hosted on GoDaddy server.
  • Established a system for client and employee authentication and authorization.
  • Researched, identified, and resolved bugs and issues, ensured products are reliable, scalable, and secure.
  • Developed a new admin panel, which improved internal operating efficiency.
  • Prepared reports, manuals and SRS documentation containing status, functionalities, usages and maintenance techniques for the application.
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Technologies : JavaScript | ReactJS | HTML | JSON | NodeJS | SEO| Selenium | PSQL | GoDaddy | SRS Documentation | Github | npm

My Skills

Front-end Developer

I like to code things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser and mobile.

Languages I speak:

Java, Javascript, Scala, HTML, CSS, C++, Android programming, XML, Google Apps Script


AngularJs, ReactJs, RTK Query, jQuery, Ant Design, Redux Toolkit, Bootstrap(3/4), Semantic UI, Flexbox


Visual studio code Android Studio Net Beans Selenium Sublime Eclipse IntelliJ

Back-end Developer

Having a good UI is essential for an application but quality of backend is what makes it perfect.

Things I know:

Cassandra, Docker, Swagger, NodeJs, PSQL, MySQL, NoSQL, Redis, Firebase, MongoDb, SqLite, JSON, EJS, NPM, Web Api, Restful-routing, MVC Architecture

AWS - Lambda, Amplify, Route53, Serverless deployment, RDS, DynamoDb


Spring Boot Framework, Play Framework, RabbitMQ, JDBC, Express.js, Mongoose, Passport, Sequelize, Nginx, Send Grid Api, Google map api, i18n, paypal payment integration, Let's encrypt SSL certificate


Digitial Ocean Hosting Setup AWS RDS Instances phpMyAdmin AmazonRDS Postman AWS

Designer + Others

I love to design web/mobile graphics, logos, edit videos and keep a track of my whole work.

Things I know:

UX, UI, UML, Logos, Graphics, SRS Documentation, Agile methodology-SCRUM, VCS


Adobe photoshop Adobe illustrator Visual Paradigm Premier pro JustInMind draw.io Github Gitlab Trello Slack Jira Git



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